Report summary

Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy: Executive summary

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary of the Observatory’s first global assessment report offers a concise, accessible gateway to understanding the project’s mission and ambition. By synthesizing hundreds of pages of rigorous meta analysis, the summary distills key findings into a compact, 15-page document, making complex insights readily digestible. It provides an overview of the report’s eight thematic chapters, each of which is also available as a standalone resource in our thematic reports section.

The summary covers key methodological and etymological considerations discussed in the introductory chapter. It also highlights the key findings of each thematic chapter.

  • Chapter 2 explores the role of news media in shaping public discourse while grappling with the challenges of information integrity.
  • Chapter 3 examines the influence of artificial intelligence on democracy and information systems.
  • Chapter 4 delves into Big Tech’s dominance and the governance of data usage.
  • Chapter 5 addresses the need to improve public awareness of mis- and disinformation through literacy initiatives.
  • Chapters 6 focuses on legislative approaches to governing information ecosystems.
  • Chapter 7 covers practical efforts to combat disinformation.
  • Chapter 8 advocates for data justice in shaping equitable and transparent information systems.

Finally, it synthesizes the conclusive chapter of this first-of-its-kind critical review of State of the Art research on the Media, AI and Data Governance with a cross-cutting theme on mis and disinformation. 

The Executive Summary provides a digest of a biennial pluridisciplinary research effort and sets the stage for future research and policy initiatives to advance integrity and accountability in global information ecosystems.

Other summaries

Other summaries

Écosystèmes de l’Information et Menaces à la Démocratie: Résumé Exécutif

Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy: Report Summary

The three-page summary of the Observatory’s Global Assessment Report provides a concise overview of its findings and recommendations. It highlights the importance of focusing on information ecosystems, which shape public discourse, political processes, and institutional resilience, while addressing challenges like mis- and disinformation.

The summary distills insights into three key areas:

  • News Media, Politics, and Trust – Changes to the media ecosystem and strategies to promote information and democratic integrity.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Democracy – The role of AI in content governance and its impact on democratic processes and human rights.
  • Governing Information Ecosystems – Addressing Big Tech’s power and fostering equitable, transparent data practices.

It concludes with actionable recommendations for governments, companies, and civil society to enhance accountability and resilience in information ecosystems. A chapter guide offers a roadmap to navigate the report’s key themes from covering core concepts (Chapter 1) to combating disinformation (Chapter 7) and advancing data justice (Chapter 8).

Information ecosystems and troubled democracy: Research Priorities

This summary outlines key research priorities drawn from the Observatory on Information & Democracy’s comprehensive analysis of cutting-edge research across multiple disciplines, supported by 1,664 citations. The analysis centers on three main areas: Media, Politics, and Trust; Artificial Intelligence, Information Ecosystems, and Democracy; and Data Governance and Democracy, all interconnected by the overarching challenge of mis- and disinformation.

This document provides a roadmap for future fundamental research questions across the following issues:

  • Datafication for Profit
  • Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms
  • Information Ecosystems: Exclusions and inequitable inclusions
  • Governing for Transparency and Accountability
  • Media and information literacy (MIL) and AI literacy
  • Dominance of Research from the Global North

Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy: Guidance for Policy Makers and Big Tech Companies

This summary explores research-based guidance for big tech companies and policymakers to align information ecosystems with international human rights commitments, without prescribing specific recommendations.

The guidance covers governance approaches and shifts in how policymakers understand issues like information integrity, the role of technology, the harms of mis- and disinformation, and the impact of power dynamics on trust in the public sphere. It also recognizes the challenges of addressing corporate power and polarized publics.

The summary emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts across corporations, governments, civil society, philanthropies, and academia to foster equity and justice in 21st-century information ecosystems.

Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy: Executive summary – Interactive Map

Developed using GarganText by the OID in partnership with CNRS Institute for Complex Systems.

This map represents a statistical summary of the thematic content of the report. The network graph represents relations between the words in the report, placing them closer to each other the more they are related. The bigger the node, the more present the word is, signalling its role in defining what the report is about. The colors represent words that are closely related to each other and can be interpreted as a topic.

The map is generated by the OID using GarganText – developed by the CNRS Institute of Complex Systems –on the basis of the repot’s text. Starting from a co-occurrence matrix generated from report’s text, GarganText forms a network where words are connected if they are likely to occur together. Clustering is conducted based on the Louvain community detection method, and the visualisation is generated using the Force Atlas 2 algorithm.