About us

About The Observatory on information and democracy

Inspired by the IPCC, and shepherded by Shoshana Zuboff and Angel Gurría, the Observatory came from the reflection that systematic assessment of scientific knowledge leads to more impactful, future-proofed public policies and regulations.


Why do we need an Observatory on Information and Democracy?

The Observatory's mission

In an era dominated by information flows, digital connectivity and changing at an unprecedented pace with the advent of generative AI, the need for a comprehensive understanding of the global information space has become paramount. There is an urgent need to learn from the evidence that has been produced so far, especially on the ground, and how it impacts different regions around the world.

The International observatory on Information and Democracy seeks to address this gap, by producing a periodic report synthesizing existing state of the art research to policymakers, providing a periodic global assessment of the information and communication space and how it impacts democracy. The objective is to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use to develop better informed and meaningful policies.

  • We produce a regular research state of the art on issues at the intersection of information, democracy and technology
  • Our meta-analysis fills knowledge to action gaps, by bringing together academics, experts and activists from different horizons and disciplines
  • We build collective evidence and improve both the political and public understanding of priority societal challenges in the digital era

The International Observatory on Information and Democracy is therefore a crucial step towards ensuring a well-informed and inclusive global conversation on technology and information policies.

An initiative of the Forum on Information and Democracy

The International Observatory on Information and Democracy is an initiative of the Forum on Information and Democracy, an organization that strives to bring democratic guarantees to the global communication and information space.

According to its mandate, the Forum evaluates the information space through the Observatory. In parallel to this, the Forum continues providing policy recommendations and international standards to the signatory states of the International Partnership for Information and Democracy.

The Observatory addresses the need for a synthesis of global research, which is abundant but whose mass does not always allow for clear conclusions

Christophe Deloire (1971-2024), President of the Forum on Information and Democracy.

More information on OID

Learn more about the Observatory

Prefiguration phase

Prefiguration phase

Feasibility study

On the occasion of the second Summit for Information and Democracy held on 22 September 2022, the Forum published the report of the prefiguration group titled “Observatory on Information and Democracy – Feasibility study”. The report was presented to the States of the International Partnership for Information and Democracy during the Summit. Based on the contribution of international experts, it defines the objectives, working methodology and means of the Observatory.

Observatory as the IPCC of the information space

According to the feasibility study, the current information chaos requires a proactive approach by all states, as part of international cooperation. The absence of a legal response and even individual state responses are not enough. The proposed new structure, an observatory, was designed as a tool to promote a common understanding and act as a link between knowledge producers and political decision-makers, in the same way as the IPCC does for climate change.

The Observatory’s main role is to shed scientific light on the debates and provide States and the general public with elements of understanding.

Structure and governance

The Observatory is made up of four units and a support team. These include :

  • the Board of Directors of the Forum for Information and Democracy to oversee strategic decisions,
  • an advisory group of stakeholders to prepare recommendations on the themes of the reports to be produced,
  • a Steering Committee to oversee the production of the reports,
  • Research Assessment Panels (formerly called working groups) to select academic resources, synthesise the knowledge gathered and write chapters in the reports,
  • a support team for administrative tasks, the organisation of events and meetings and the dissemination of reports.

Working methods

As with the IPCC’s work on climate change, the Information and Democracy Observatory’s mission is to produce reports setting out the state of the art in research and providing answers to questions raised in the context of decision-making by politicians and authorities.

Following this thorough feasibility assessment, this group played a crucial role in the build out of this initiative by becoming a Nomination Committee for the Observatory’s inaugural Steering Committee in 2023.

Observatory on Information and Democracy – Feasibility study

On the occasion of the second Summit for Information and Democracy held on 22 September 2022, the Forum published the report of the prefiguration group titled “Observatory on Information and Democracy – Feasibility study”.

Prefiguration Group

Prefiguration Group

Under the co-chairmanship of Angel Gurría, Former Secretary-General of the OECD and Shoshana Zuboff, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, the prefiguration group played a key role in building the vision and infrastructure of the Observatory and nominating the Observatory’s first steering Committee.



Angel Gurrìa

Former Secretary General of the OECD

United states

Shoshana Zuboff

Author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism and Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Business School



Virgilio Almeida

Professor Emeritus, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Jim Balsillie

Founder of the Center for International Governance Innovation


Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Diplomat, former UN Deputy General Secretary


Miguel Poiares Maduro

Chair, European Digital Media Observatory, European University Institute


Maria Ressa

CEO, Rappler, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2021

Türkiye / UK

Burhan Sönmez

President, PEN International

Monitoring information disruption

Observatory at the 2021 Paris Peace Forum

Watch the session of the Observatory at the 2021 Paris Peace Forum defining the objectives, methodology, and means needed for the Observatory.

Play Video


Scientific community support (Milestones)

On World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, 100 researchers from across disciplines and geographies signed a collective call in support of the Observatory.


September 2022

Feasibility study published

The feasibility study was presented to the States of the International Partnership for Information and Democracy during the Summit. Based on the contribution of international experts, it defines the objectives, working methodology and means of the Observatory.


May 2023

Scientific Community Support (Call of 100)

On World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, 100 researchers from across disciplines and geographies signed a collective call in support of the Observatory.

January - September 2023

Consultation and building the Observatory governance

The Observatory on Information and Democracy initiated its first multi-sectoral consultation by convening its Stakeholder Advisory Group, with the objective of gathering valuable insights on priority topics for the inaugural research cycle. Concurrently, the Prefiguration Group selected 19 members to form the Observatory’s inaugural Steering Committee.


October 2023

Launch of Inaugural Research Cycle

The International Observatory on Information and Democracy officially launched its first working cycle at the Internet Governance Forum 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.

October 2023 - December 2025

1st Research Cycle

The inaugural research cycle of the Observatory covered the period October 2023 to December 2025 with three Research Assessment Panels working around three guiding themes: media, politics and trust; artificial intelligence, information ecosystems and democracy; and data governance and democracy.

January 2025

Launch of First Global Assessment Report

The Observatory of the Forum on Information and Democracy officially launches its first meta-analysis report after more than a year of work and the review of more than 3000 sources. The report is set to provide a global understanding of the current structure of the information and communication space and its impact on public debate and democracy around the world.


OID governance

Steering committee

The role of the Steering Committee of the Observatory is to oversee the process of completing an authoritative report evaluating and synthesizing scientific contributions related to the challenges we face in the information ecosystem. This includes selecting initial priority themes for the first cycle of thematic evaluation reports, guiding the Research Assessment Panels and ensuring rigorous scientific standards.


Courtney Radsch

Chair of the OID Streering Committee

Director, Center for Journalism & Liberty


Gustavo Cardoso

Professor of Media and Sociology, Vice-Chair of the Observatory's Steering Committee



Timothy Garton Ash


Oxford University


Luca Belli

Professor & Researcher

Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School, Rio de Janeiro, Center for Technology and Society


Niva Elkin-koren

Professor and Faculty Director

Chief Justice Meir Shamgar Center for Digital Law and Innovation, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University

Sri Lanka

Helani Galpaya




Frances Haugen

Algorithmic product expert, and advocate for accountability and transparency in social media

Co-founder, Beyond the Screen


Jeanette Hofmann

Director and Founder

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society


Nicol Turner Lee

Senior Fellow

Center for Technology Innovation, The Brookings Institution


Jhalak Mrignayani Kakkar

Executive Director

Center for Communication Governance (CCG), National Law University Delhi


Ansgar Koene

Global AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader

EY, and Senior Research Fellow, Horizon Digital Economy Research institute, University of Notthingham

Ivory Coast

Nnenna Nwakanma

Former Policy Director of the Web Foundation. Board Member of I-DAIR

Web Foundation, I-DAIR


Pier Luigi Parcu


Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom and Centre for a Digital Society, European University Institute

South Africa

Admire Mare

Associate Professor and Head of Department: Communication and Media Studies

University of Johannesburg


Jeremy Rifkin



Sonja Solomun

Deputy Director

Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, Mc Gill University


Ghassan Salamé

Former Minister of Culture of Lebanon, Emeritus Professor of International Relations

Sciences-Po Paris


Stefaan Verhulst

Co-Founder and Chief Research and Development Officer as well as Director of GovLab's Data Program

The Governance Laboratory, New York University.


Natalia Andrea Zuazo

Consultant, Communication and Information Sector,

UNESCO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

We want to provide policymakers with comprehensive assessments based on research evidence so that they can develop more effective and proportionate interventions. We need a common understanding of what we know, but also importantly, of what we don’t.

Courtney C. Radsch,
Chair of the Observatory Steering committee

Board of the Forum

The Board of directors determines the strategy of the Forum to pursue its mandate, including the Observatory.


Alessandro Bellantoni

Director Policy & Partnerships, Open Government Partnership


Alexa Koenig

Executive Director of the Human Rights Center at Berkeley School of Law


Bob Fay

Managing Director of digital economy of the Center for International Governance Innovation


Bruce Girard

Senior Researcher at Observacom


Henrik Urdal

Executive Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo


Leon Willems

Director of Free Press Unlimited


Nighat Dad

Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation


Sasha Havlicek

Founding CEO of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue

South Africa

Susan Wilding

Head of Geneva Office at Civicus


Thibaut Bruttin

Chair of the Board, Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders


OID staff


Camille Grenier

Executive Director

Forum on Information and Democracy


Iris Boyer

Head of the Observatory

Observatory on Information and Democracy


Emma Gruden

Project Officer

Observatory on Information and Democracy


Giovanni Maggi

Data Officer

Observatory on Information and Democracy

About us – Interactive Map

Developed using GarganText by the OID in partnership with CNRS Institute for Complex Systems.

This map represents a statistical summary of the thematic content of the report. The network graph represents relations between the words in the report, placing them closer to each other the more they are related. The bigger the node, the more present the word is, signalling its role in defining what the report is about. The colors represent words that are closely related to each other and can be interpreted as a topic.

The map is generated by the OID using GarganText – developed by the CNRS Institute of Complex Systems –on the basis of the repot’s text. Starting from a co-occurrence matrix generated from report’s text, GarganText forms a network where words are connected if they are likely to occur together. Clustering is conducted based on the Louvain community detection method, and the visualisation is generated using the Force Atlas 2 algorithm.