Scientists around the world call to protect research on one of humanity’s greatest short-term threats – Disinformation

On the occasion of International day for universal access to information, the Observatory publishes a call from 150 researchers across 41 countries to raise the alarm against threats and barriers facing those who study information integrity.  This collective effort follows critical actions from partner organizations, including calls by the Coalition of Independent Technology Research and […]

Scientists around the world call to protect research on one of humanity’s greatest short-term threats – Disinformation

On the occasion of International day for universal access to information, the Observatory publishes a call from 150 researchers across 41 countries to raise the alarm against threats and barriers facing those who study information integrity.  This collective effort follows critical actions from partner organizations, including calls by the Coalition of Independent Technology Research and […]

Scientists around the world call to protect research on one of humanity’s greatest short-term threats – Disinformation – Interactive Map

Developed using GarganText by the OID in partnership with CNRS Institute for Complex Systems.

This map represents a statistical summary of the thematic content of the report. The network graph represents relations between the words in the report, placing them closer to each other the more they are related. The bigger the node, the more present the word is, signalling its role in defining what the report is about. The colors represent words that are closely related to each other and can be interpreted as a topic.

The map is generated by the OID using GarganText – developed by the CNRS Institute of Complex Systems –on the basis of the repot’s text. Starting from a co-occurrence matrix generated from report’s text, GarganText forms a network where words are connected if they are likely to occur together. Clustering is conducted based on the Louvain community detection method, and the visualisation is generated using the Force Atlas 2 algorithm.